基本信息 | ||
姓名: | 刘志伟 | |
职称: | 主任医师 | |
导师类型: | 博士生导师 | |
专业: | 新生儿科 | |
研究方向: | 母源性危险因素的鉴定和子代健康效应的机制解析 | |
邮箱地址: | liuzhiwei@hotmail.com | |
个人简介 | ||
刘志伟,医学博士,中国福利会国际和平妇幼保健院党委书记、主任医师,博士生导师。上海市领军人才,上海市优秀学术带头人,上海市胚胎源性疾病重点实验室主任。美国佛罗里达大学SHANDS医院NICU高级访问学者,美国辛辛那提儿童医学中心围产研究所高级访问学者。担任中国妇幼保健协会早产儿围产期一体化管理专业委员会主任委员、中国医师协会新生儿科医师分会母源性疾病专业委员会副主任委员、中国妇幼保健协会新生儿保健专业委员会常务委员以及上海市儿科学会新生儿学组副组长等学术任职。长期致力于围产医学临床、研究及转化,关注母体因素对子代健康的影响和危重新生儿救治。已建立1万个家庭、15万份出生人口队列样本库及随访体系;在国内率先创建推广“早产儿围产期一体化”诊疗体系,有效改善预后;首创围产高危儿早发型败血症(EOS)风险计算器,减少新生儿非必要抗生素暴露;为提高出生人口质量提供科学依据并优化干预体系。并通过队列与基础研究探讨了母源性因素对子代健康的影响及机制,明确了数个母源性危险因素与子代肺损伤、过敏、肥胖、免疫发育异常等不良健康效应。承担国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、上海市科委、上海市卫健委、上海申康医院发展中心等国家级及省部级项目10余项;在Am J Resp Cell Mol、Cell Biosci、Environ Health Persp、BMC Med、Clin Nutr、Eur J Nutr以及Nutr Metab等权威期刊发表SCI论文50余篇。
主要科研项目 1. 上海市科委, “科技创新行动计划”社会发展科技攻关项目,23DZ1203006,饮用水中典型新污染物的人群暴露健康风险与作用机制研究,项目负责人 2. 国家科技部重点研发项目/课题3,2022YFC2702903,母源环境不良因素对生殖及子代健康的影响及机制,项目负责人 3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,82271742,Serpine1介导宫内炎症子代支气管肺发育不良的多重表观遗传修饰互作机制研究,项目负责人 4. 上海申康医院发展中心,促进临床专科能力提升项目,SHDC22022303,上海市级医院生殖医学专科联盟,项目负责人 5. 上海市科委,上海市 “科技创新行动计划”优秀学术带头人计划项目, 21XD1403700, LncRNA调控宫内不良暴露子代过敏性疾病易感性的机制研究,项目负责人 6. 上海交通大学,“交大之星”计划医工交叉研究基金重点项目,YG2021ZD29,非接触式早产儿心肺监测系统构建和应用价值研究,项目负责人 7. 上海申康医院发展中心,促进市级医院临床技能与临床创新三年行动计划临床研究关键支撑项目,SHDC2020CR6027,辅助生殖子代队列数据库建设及应用研究,项目负责人 8. 上海市科委,“科技创新行动计划”医学创新研究专项项目子课题,20Z11900602,围产儿发育异常遗传筛查及咨询,项目负责人 9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81974232,NONMMUT062734.2在宫内炎症增加子代哮喘易感性中的作用及机制,项目负责人 10. 国家科技部重点研发项目/课题3,2016YFC1000203,辅助生殖技术子代胎源性疾病队列研究,项目负责人 11. 上海交通大学“医工(理)交叉研究基金”面上项目,YG2013MS69,重症监护数据分析对早产儿重要不良结局的预测,项目负责人 12. 上海市卫生计生委面上项目,20124127,宫内炎症诱导早产儿内毒素耐受的TLR信号通路机制研究,项目负责人 13. 上海市自然科学基金,11ZR1440900,维生素D对脐血树突状细胞功能的调节作用,项目负责人 14. 上海市卫生计生委面上项目,2007151,围生期宫内感染与早产儿脑白质损伤的关系研究,项目负责人
代表性论文(*通讯作者) 1. Li H, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Huang X, Tang Z, Liu Z*. The association of maternal serum uric acid with the risk of small for gestational age newborn: a retrospective cohort study. The journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine. 2023, 36:2, 2286738. 2. Ni M#, Li B#, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Li W, Qi S, Shen Q, Yao D, Chen Z, Wang T, Di X, Lin Z, Cheng C, Liu Z*, Chen H*. Relationship Between Birth Weight and Asthma Diagnosis: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study Based on the National Survey of Children’s Health in the U.S. BMJ Open. 2023;13:e076884. 3. Fan P#, Shen Q#, Du O, Chen Y, Tang W, Ma J, Ma R, Zhang T, Luo Z; Liu Z*, Ouyang F*. Urinary antibiotics concentrations, their related affecting factors and infant growth in the first 6 months of life: a prospective cohort study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023. 26;262:115196. 4. Ni M#, Li L#, Li W, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Shen Q, Yao D, Wang T, Li B, Ding X, Qi S, Liu Z*. Association of chorioamnionitis with infertility treatment and subsequent neonatal outcomes in the US: a population-based cohort study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2023. 23:369. 5. Ni M#, Li L#, Li W, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Shen Q, Yao D, Wang T, Li B, Ding X, Qi S, Huang X*, Liu Z*. Examining the Relationship Between Birth Weight and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2023.24;14:1074783. 6. Li W, Zhao J, Ni M, Zhang Q, Shen Q, Li H, Tang Z, Yao D, Wang T, Qi S, Li B, Ding X, Xie J, Wang X, Wang B, Liu Z*. Assisted reproductive technology and neurodevelopmental outcomes in offspring: a prospective birth cohort study in East China. Reproductive Biomedicine Online. 2023 Jun;46(6):983-994. 7. Ao J#, Qiu W#, Huo X, Wang Y, Wang W, Zhang Q, Liu Z*, Zhang J*. Paraben exposure and couple fecundity: a preconception cohort study. Human Reproduction. 2023 Apr 3;38(4):726-738. 8. Zhou X#, Rao L#, Yang D, Wang T, Li H*, Liu Z*. Effects of maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain on antenatal mental disorders in China: a prospective study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2023.18;23(1):188. 9. Zhao J, Zhang Q, Yao D, Wang T, Ni M, Xu Y, Tang Z, Liu Z*. Prenatal LPS exposure promotes allergic airway inflammation via long coding RNA NONMMUT033452.2, and protein binding partner, Eef1D. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2023;68(6):610-624. 10. Yao D#, Zhao J#, Zhang Q, Wang T, Ni M, Qi S, Shen Q, Li W, Li B, Ding X, Liu Z*. Aberrant methylation of Serpine1 mediates lung injury in neonatal mice prenatally exposed to intrauterine inflammation. Cell and Bioscience .2022.12:164. 11. Xu Y#, Ni M#, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Liu Z*, Tang Z*. Correlation between crown-rump length in the first trimester of pregnancy and neonatal outcomes. BMC Pediatrics. 2022 Jul 1;22(1):386. 12. Hu P#, Li H#, Vinturache A#, Tian Y, Pan C, Hu Y, Gao Y*, Liu Z*, Ding G*. Urinary organophosphate metabolite concentrations and birth sizes among women conceiving through in vitro fertilization in Shanghai, China. Environmental Research. 2022.113019. 13. Zhang Q, Zhao J, Ni M, Shen Q, Zhou W*, Liu Z*. Vitamin D3 reverses the transcriptional profile of offspring CD4+ T lymphocytes exposed to intrauterine inflammation. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2022 May 6;221:106120. 14. Yu L#, Zhong H#, Jiang Y, Zhang W*, Liu Z*. Modified Long-Axis In-plane Technique for Radial Artery Cannulation in Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Medicine. 2022 Feb 7;8:780375. 15. Ni M, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Yao D, Wang T, Shen Q, Li W, Li B, Ding X, Liu Z*. Prenatal inflammation causes obesity and abnormal lipid metabolism via impaired energy expenditure in male offspring. Nutrition and Metabolism. 2022 Feb 8;19(1):8. 16. Guo X#, Zhou Y#, Xu J*, Hu Y and Liu Z*. The Association of Maternal Emotional Status With Child Over-Use of Electronic Devices During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontier in Pediatrics. 2021.9:760996. doi: 10.3389/fped.2021.760996. 17. Zhang Q#, Zhang C#, Wang Y, Zhao J, Li H, Shen Q, Wang X, Ni M, Ouyang F, Vinturache A, Chen H*, Liu Z*. Relationship of maternal obesity and vitamin D concentrations with fetal growth in early pregnancy. European Journal of Nutrition. 2022 Mar;61(2):915-924. 18. Tang L, Yang D, Wang Y, Yang X, Chen K, Luo X, Xu J, Liu Y, Tang Z, Zhang Q, Liu Z*, Huang Y*. 5’-nucleotidase plays a key role in uric acid metabolism of Bombyx mori. Cells. 2021.30;10(9):2243. 19. Ni M, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Shen Q, Yao D, Wang T, Liu Z*. Relationship Between Maternal Vitamin D Status in The First Trimester of Pregnancy and Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes: A Retrospective Single Center Study. BMC Pediatrics. 2021. 29;21(1):330. 20. Wang X, Li H, Zhang Q, Shen Q, Zhu D, Li H, Tang Z, Zhao J*, Liu Z*. Histological chorioamnionitis is associated with an increased risk of wheezing in preterm children less than 34 gestational weeks. BMC Pediatrics. 2021 Mar 1;21(1):104. 21. Guo F#, Liu Y#, Ding Z, Zhang C, Liu Z*, Fan J*. Supplemental iodine‑containing prenatal multivitamins use and the potential effects on pregnancy outcomes in a mildly iodine‑deficient region. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation. 2021.44:443–452. 22. Shen Q, Zhang Q, Zhao J, Huang Z, Wang X, Ni M, Tang Z*, Liu Z*. Association between maternal perceived stress in all trimesters of pregnancy and infant atopic dermatitis: a prospective birth cohort study. Frontier in Pediatrics. 2020.16;8:526994. 23. Hu P#, Vinturache A#, Li H#, Tian Y, Yuan L, Cai C, Lu M, Zhao J, Zhang Q, Gao Y*, Liu Z*, Ding G*. Urinary Organophosphate Metabolite Concentrations and Pregnancy Outcomes among Women Conceiving through in Vitro Fertilization in Shanghai, China. Environmental Health Perspectives. 2020.128(9) 097007:1-13. 24. Zhang Q#, Chen H#, Wang Y, Zhang C, Tang Z, Li H, Huang X, Ouyang F, Huang H*, Liu Z*. Severe vitamin D deficiency in the first trimester is associated with placental inflammation in high-risk singleton pregnancy. Clinical Nutrition. 2019; 38(4):1921-1926. 25. Wu Y#, Li C#, Zhu Y, Zou S, Wu Q, Wang L, Wu Y, Yin R, Shi C, Lin J, Jiang Z, Xu Y, Su Y, Zhang J, Sheng J, Fraser W, Liu Z*, Huang H*. Outcomes of neonates born following transfers of frozen-thawed cleavage-stage embryos with blastomere loss: a prospective, multicenter, cohort study. BMC medicine. 2018;19;16(1):96. 26. 丁艳#,徐茵,王翼,张茜茜,黄小艺,唐征,顾玮,范建霞,余文,刘志伟*. 妊娠早期妇女维生素D营养状况调查. 中华临床营养杂志. 2018;26(05):278-83. 27. Wu Y#, Tang Z#, Li J, Fan J, Liu Z*. A clinical predictive model of intrauterine inflammation for early single preterm birth. Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(5):8230-8236. 28. Bu S#, Wang Q, Zhang Q, Sun J, He B, Xiang C, Liu Z*, Lai D*. Human endometrial mesenchymal stem cells exhibit intrinsic antitumor properties on human epithelial ovarian cancer cells, Sci Rep. 2016; 6(37019). 29. 武莹#,刘志伟*,李娟,唐征,王慧,萨婷. 宫内炎症对早产儿固有免疫应答的影响. 临床儿科杂志,2015,33(2):131-135. 30. 李海园,唐征,王翼,施婴婴,刘志伟*.1,25-二羟维生素D3对脐血单核细胞来源树突状细胞刺激T细胞增殖能力的影响.临床儿科杂志, 2015, 33(12): 1057-1061.
代表性著作 1. 辅助生殖子代临床研究专病结构化数据集978-7-117-34125-7,专著,2022/11,人民卫生出版社,主编 2. 母源性新生儿疾病978-7-030601940,专著,2019/01,科学出版社,副主编 3. 胎儿和新生儿脑损伤978-7-542864802,专著,2017/08,上海科技教育出版社,参编 4. 新生儿营养学978-7-117224635,专著,2016/07,人民卫生出版社,参编 5. 新生儿医学978-7-532381418,专著,2006/01,上海科技出版社,参编 |